The Flatmobile, the shortest car in the world?

The Flatmobile, is the vehicle built by Perry Watkins of Perrywinkle Customs in 2007. It is the vehicle that held the world record until a few years ago and was entered in the Guinness Book of World Records, for being the shortest built under license to circulate in the UK. This unique vehicle is only 48 centimeters tall. Watkins himself christened it the Flatmobile.

What is and how is the Flatmobile?

This vehicle was created as a replica of the Batmobile, with a 1959 Cadillac. Its interior design is modern and with luxury details, such as the seats made with quality materials. Watkins himself designed the steering wheel that measures just six inches in diameter.

Inside Flatmobile

I imagine you have guessed that Watkins is a fan of Batman, and for that reason he decided to build his own exclusive replica. To make this vehicle, two cars from the British firm Hillman Imp were made, undoing one of them to mount it on top of the other.

The most surprising thing is the propulsion system that it carries. With a turbine located at the rear, it can propel the vehicle at full capacity up to 160 km/hour.

We leave you with two YouTube videos where in the first Watkins recounts how it was built and the second made during an interview with TV.

Fhotography: Pinterest

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