A fun sunshade for our car

If during the summer, or when the sun is mercilessly heating up our car, a sun visor will be the solution. If we also want to give it an original touch, dare with one of these fun sunshade that will make pedestrians turn to look.

Front window sunshade

We are going to suggest some of the geekiest and funniest models that we have found on Amazon. Let’s see what you say about these nice puppies on board our car.

Dogs give a lot of play, and if not tell this fun couple.

Dog couple in AMAZON car

If what we want is to give it a more gloomy and comical air, don’t miss this original sunshade.

Skeleton sunshade on AMAZON

And maybe cats are your thing and you prefer to travel alone or alone. Do you dare with this model?

Cat at the wheel on AMAZON

And why not?… If you want to spice up your car, give it some striking eyes. It will seem that the car is looking at anyone who cares to observe it. Look for striking eyes like these that we propose.

In terms of eyes, you will have them of all shapes and colors (of monsters, cat eyes, cartoons, men, women, etc.).

Striking eyes on AMAZON

And of course, we cannot forget the windshield sunshade that identifies the family car. In this way all family members will be amusingly represented in a similar model. Choose from raccoons, llamas, sheep or giraffes but look for the geekiest one for your car. A touch of humor will be appreciated!

Family model on AMAZON

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