Lanchas tiburón para volverse loco

Although this is certainly a post that has nothing to do with cars, it does make sense if we talk about transportation. In this case, it is such an amazing maritime transport that we thought it was worth appearing among our posts. We are talking about shark boats.

Surely the name does not do justice to what these shark boats are capable of.

To put yourself in a situation, imagine that you are taking a bath, or in a boat in the water and suddenly you see a dolphin or a shark shoot out of the water. Surely you will believe that it is a hallucination, but it is not. like a dolphin

SeaBreacher, and their shark boats

Un SeaBreacher s a co-seat, semi-submersible personal watercraft submarine with a shape based on that of a dolphin and with the ability to mimic dolphin movement.

This type of vessel was designed and developed by two engineers, one from New Zealand named Rob Innes and the other from the United States, Dan Piazza, who are also the founders of the company Innespace Inc., in charge of marketing and selling this type of semi-submersible vessel.

The history of the SeaBreacher

While you’d probably wish you had one, the Seabreacher story wasn’t as immediate success as its creators intended. It was listed as an eccentric vehicle aimed at wealthy people, since its price was around 100,000 US dollars.

Due to this circumstance, the company is now dedicated to manufacturing these shark boats to order, customizing every detail, from the seats to the exterior appearance. The cheapest SeaBreachers exceed $50,000

They have three models, X, Y, and Z. The X model looks like a shark, has a 260 hp engine and has a top speed of 80 km/h. Its vertical jumps can be in 90º

Seabreacher X

The Seabreacher Y, looks like a whale and has the same characteristics as the X model. On the other hand, the Y model, which is the highest in the range, can reach up to 100 km/h, allowing it to dive and even make 360 ​​degree turns under the sea. Water. In this case we can choose shark, whale, dolphin or personalized designs.

Image Source: Reddit/SeaBreacher

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