A funny car in an upside down world

The creative capacity of the human being has no limits and proof of this is the creation of Rick Sullivan. This mechanic, famous in Illinois (USA) thanks to his invention, built this pick-up truck whose optical illusion is as if it were driving backwards. The sensation that it produces when seeing it drive is that the car circulates while it is upside down, but the reality is that it is two trucks joined together and it is not that you are in an upside-down world.

At first glance it is difficult to understand what is happening with this car. Arouses incredulous and surprised looks in its path. According to his words, there are thousands of photographs that have been shot with his car.

How the world’s car was built upside down

This very peculiar vehicle was built with two different vehicles assembled. On the one hand a 1991 Ford Ranger road model, and on the other hand a 1995 F-150 body on top. As a result, this upside-down world car actually has 4 wheels, although only two of them touch the road.

If you think about how he came up with this amazing idea, Rick Sullivan himself says that it all came about when he had to transport a wrecked car on the tow truck on the way to his workshop. The cost of this unique idea was $6,000 and the time it took to carry it out was 6 months.

Making the world’s car upside down

Do you want to see this vehicle circulate from its world upside down? You can see it in action in this video that is not wasted and you can have fun with the surprising looks of those who see it circulate.

The idea of ​​​​this mechanic was a success and causes a sensation wherever he appears with his peculiar vehicle.

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