A homemade racing car with a plastic drum

Manual activities between parents and children are a great opportunity to take advantage of family time and create something really special. An example of this is the manufacture of a homemade racing car for everyone to enjoy. If we also take advantage of recyclable materials, such as a plastic drum, then the craft is also ecological.

Source: Instructables

In this case, the following materials were enough to make this very functional craft and get your own homemade racing car:

  • Drum of approximately 220 liters
  • 4 bicycle wheels between 14 and 20 inches
  • 4 wooden sticks. three of them of 1 meter and the fourth of more than 75 mm of the width of the wheels
  • Nuts and bolts
  • M8 steel bar
  • Two 15mm T-pipes
  • A 15mm x 3mm steel bar

And then… to work!

If later we also want to add accessories to make it look more attractive, we can do it with a little patience and skill. Proof of this is the creation of this fantastic homemade racing car also made with a plastic drum. The fun is served!

Homemade racing car also for pets

Evolving the homemade racing car, we present the case of Eugene Bostick. This retired octogenarian and native of Fort Worth, Texax, dedicated himself after retirement to taking care of abandoned pets.

Eugene didn’t think it was enough to give them shelter and food, instead he came up with the idea of ​​building a custom train for his new friends. With an old tractor trailer and plastic drums, he built probably the most functional dog train in the world. Look how happy and calm their pets are!

Source: The Dodo

So that you can see them circulating, we leave you with this nice YouTube video:

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