baby strollers cars

What we want for our babies is for them to be comfortable, but since we are also special, we like to opt for special baby strollers to ride babies.

We are going to see some totally unusual means of transport to walk babies that we suppose will leave more than one of you speechless.

We start our list with this blatant BMW PRAM (Postnatal Royal Auto Mobile) which as you can see is state of the art.


We start our list with this blatant BMW dubbed PRAM (Postnatal Royal Auto Mobile) This unique vehicle has the Sport M package, which includes wheels, xenon lights, air suspension, linings, air conditioning, interior lighting and a reclining seat, among other aspects. It was presented at BMW Canada and we do not know if it was finally marketed but surely more than one would like to have it in their garage.

Other types of baby strollers

If what it is about is being original, with this kind of batmobile that walks babies, you will have the happiest youngest in the house. We do not know either who will be happier, the parents or the children.

Walking babies without motor

In the event that you do not like motor vehicles but you have to walk a large number of babies, we suggest an invention like the one you see. We could call it baby-bus, don’t you think?

If it is about taking all the offspring in the same non-motorized vehicle, it can also be this type of fun transport that will also attract attention.

The inspiration of cars or buses may not be your thing. So, we have the motorcycles. Here you have another different version in individual mode. If you are going to walk babies, with this model you will feel as if you were driving your favorite racing motorcycle.

But if what you like is to stand out, with this model you will not go unnoticed. You will be the “biggest” in the park. Do you dare to stand out?

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