Diamond covered cars

Although it seems unlikely, the truth is that the extravagance and especially the checking account of international tycoons, makes it possible for very exclusive diamond-covered vehicles to form part of their private collections.

This is the case of the imposing restyled Mercedes Benz SL600 covered in diamonds. A unique copy owned by the Saudi prince Al-Waleed bin Talal, who according to Forbes magazine is one of the ten richest men in the world.

To achieve this coating, 2 million Swarovsky crystals were necessary. This luxurious Mercedes Benz is part of the sumptuous collection that has more than 50 vehicles of Prince Waleed.

The entire vehicle is covered with these precious crystals, including even the exhaust pipes, as we can see. It is really spectacular!

The special edition had only 25 units produced, with the value of each of them being 2 million euros. This model was presented at the Dubai International Motor Show to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Mercedes Benz. Without a doubt, he was the star of the event and left no one indifferent.

If you want to see it in depth we leave you with a YouTube video

More Diamond Covered Vehicles

Although on a different scale, there are more vehicles that have also been covered with diamonds. This is the case of the Smart Fortwo Cabrio retouched and adapted by Anjuny ZMC, a Chinese manufacturer specializing in luxury car accessories.

In this Smart, every crack in the car was covered with Svarowsky crystals using a total of 283,960 pieces.

And if you still think it’s not enough, at the Tokyo Motor Show, Lamborghini also surprised a Lamborthini bat covered with a million Svarowsky diamonds.

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