Fun Wacky Race in Buenos Aires

If you want to delight yourself with a smile on your face knowing the details of this fun Wacky Race, this is your place.

Self-built vehicles, made a 400-meter race, including obstacles, to win the victory for being the fastest and most original.

Almost 60,000 spectators gathered at this fun event, which did not disappoint its audience.

A total of 36 Wacky Race s without motors participated, and the winner was the vehicle made entirely from wine bottle corks, called Chivalry Express “We have what to toast with.” They used more than 5,000 corks to make this fun car and as a prize they received tickets to see the Formula 1 Grand Prix in Brazil.

Photo/Agencies – China Daily

This fun race was organized by Red Bull, called the Red Bull SoapBox Race and modeled after the original race, first held in Brussels, Belgium, it grew to over 50,000 spectators.

Let’s see another of the fun Wacky Cars that participated in this crazy race.

Photo/Agencies – China Daily

Imagination and creativity have no limits and as a result the public was able to cheer these daring teams who, with their ingenuity, made the beautiful city of Buenos Aires spend a most unusual day.

Some of the vehicles after the first jump lost their wheels and could only continue thanks to the push of their pilots.

Photo/Agencies – China Daily

We do not know what Fred Flintstone would do if he saw a car from the Stone Age like the one that participated in the race.

What do you think, do you think he would copy his idea?

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