Motorcycle, car and Sidecar, a curious trio

Do you remember motorcycles with sidecar? Some very popular models in the 50s that were very functional. They allowed to carry an additional passenger and their use spread throughout almost the entire world. Its origins are not clear, as some experts say that they come from the United Kingdom at the end of the 19th century and others say that they come from the United States in the 20th century.

Classic Model

But in this post we are not going to talk about motorcycles with conventional sidecars, but about motorcycle-cars as a sidecar. Complicated to understand with words and therefore we better show it in photography.


Construction of the most luxurious sidecar that exists

It is a prototype made by the French Francois Knorreck and as you can see, it is a luxury sidecar whose cost amounts to 15,000 euros. The motorcycle used is a fully converted 1976 Laverda. Its initial appearance is really difficult to understand, since it looks like a motorcycle attached to a car or vice versa. We can call it side-moto, or side-car, we don’t know very well

Snaefell rear

It was built by hand for ten years, with a duration of 10,000 hours of work. It carries parts from a Kawasaki 1000, VW Golf GTI, Audi 80 and Citröen Xantia, as well as from BMW and Renault. With an aluminum chassis and a carbon fiber and polyester body, it also has three exhausts. The name of this prototype is “Snaefell”.

Let’s see the interior of this car-motorcycle that we access through gull-wing doors.

Inside Snaefell

As can be seen, it can carry up to two passengers and looks very comfortable. It has nothing to do with the classic models. In this other image we can see it in operation.

If by chance, you have fallen in love with this creation, unfortunately we inform you that it is exclusive and there is only one in the world. Its owner is the creator.

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