A very fast toilet

I don’t know if you’ll laugh or cry when you see this inventor’s idea. Colin Furze will have no problem if the need to use a toilet arises in the middle of a traffic jam. Now you can boast of having the fastest toilet there is. A 140 cubic centimeter toilet, powered by a motorcycle engine. This unique vehicle reaches 89 kilometers per hour.

As a peculiarity, comment that it has a red button, which when pressed causes the water to be discharged from the toilet even when traveling. We do not believe that this fact is very pleasant for those who travel after it. What do you think?. In case that doesn’t seem like enough, it also includes a bar to hang a towel, and a toilet paper holder.

We doubt that this model will have a sales record, but without a doubt, the publicity it will give you will be notorious.

Colin Furze videos

Colin Furz, a 41-year-old plumber from the UK has already broken six world records, and his YouTube channel videos have gained over a billion views.

It all started in 2007, after the death of Colin’s father. Around that time, he inherited the garage he loved so much as a kid. Little by little his inventions began.

A toilet isn’t Colin’s only invention.

Let’s see more inventions of this indefatigable inventor, such as the longest scooter in the world with an aluminum frame of 22 meters. Other records include, the largest bonfire, the fastest stroller or the fastest stroller among others.

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