A car doing a handstand?

It may seem unlikely that a truck would fold in half in this way, but it is possible if it is one of artist Erwin Wurm ‘s sculptures. Famous for his original sculptures of deformed cars, with the most varied shapes, we find this truck that actually seems to be doing a handstand.

One of the characteristics of this Austrian artist is the ironic humor that the artist himself calls critical cynicism. All his works are usually anthropomorphic, deformed images or sculptures of everyday life.

We can see another of his vehicles that also like this one seems to be doing a handstand.

Not all of Wurm’s vehicle sculptures climb walls in true Spider-Man fashion, as we spot others like this van that appears to be bent like gum. It is a classic Volkswagen Transporter, with a very peculiar shape to adapt it to parking. We assume that maneuverability is highly complex. What do you think?

Anecdote of the truck that did the handstand

The anecdote is served, and it happened in the German town of Karlsruhe, where one of his vehicles was fined 30 euros for being improperly parked.

We assume that the policeman, seeing this registered truck, with all permits in order, up on the sidewalk and doing a handstand on the vertical wall, clearly had to be fined.

Of course, if it’s already annoying to be fined for parking badly, imagine what it must be like to be fined for a sculpture. Likewise, Wurm will have to consider where to place his sculptures, because their realism seems to confuse even members of Security.

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