Navigating with a car, a whim on the water

Navigating with a car is something that seems impossible but it is not. Not only are there cars to drive on asphalt, or on land, but you also have at your fingertips cars that navigate by sea and by land. You no longer have to have a boat waiting at the dock, but instead your car will sail the seas at full speed.

Enjoying the experience of navigating with a car

The American company Gibbs, presented in London the vehicle called Gibbs Aquada. This vehicle capable of reaching 160 kilometers by land and 30 miles per hour sailing is quite an experience.

The transition from one medium to another is also practically instantaneous, since to make it possible, the driver only has to press a button on the dashboard of this amphibious vehicle.

You can see this fabulous vehicle rolling in this video that the Gibss company hangs on its website. Who is not seduced by the idea of ​​​​navigating with a car without having to take it to port?

More amphibious vehicles, more experiences

This same company not only has that model and that type of amphibious vehicles as we are going to show you. The Terraquad, which has a 140-horsepower engine, reaches 50 miles on land and 40 miles on water.


And not everything is navigating with a car, since they also offer the possibility of navigating with a scooter, which in this case reaches a speed of 80 miles per hour on land and 37 miles per hour on water. This scooter called Biski, is a driving whim.

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