Psychedelic car interiors

For a car to have your own stamp, you have to give it a unique and original air. Customizing the interior of your vehicle to your liking is undoubtedly one of the ways to personalize it. Now, in some cases, you still go crazy to achieve a most unusual effect. Get ready to see the most curious and psychedelic car interiors you can imagine.

Interiors of the most psychedelic

We start with this vehicle that we understand must be a fan of the Ninja Turtles because of the decoration in each place of the interior as a shell.

But if you discover that green is not your color, and you are passionate about blue, you can do like the owner of this vehicle and “paper” it with blue velvet. We do not know what impression it might give us if we were invited to take a trip in this vehicle. What is your opinion?

If we continue with colors, the golden color could not be missing. In this case, even the seats are special. We are not very sure if they can be comfortable for somewhat long journeys because at first glance they seem like those of an ostentatious living room.

Leaving colors aside, there are some just as psychedelic and extravagant as this customized interior that resembles a Casino to us.

The list is extensive, because as you can see, human tastes can go from discreet to extreme.

More discreet interiors… or not

There are other less psychedelic interiors but they are still extremely extreme. This is the case of the interior of this car, of which we have no doubt that he is an inveterate fan of Hello Kitty.

And if your thing is hearts and feeling at home, you can choose to put some mats and decorations like the one in this vehicle. In this case it is more moderate but it does not stop attracting attention. Would you dare?

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