The amazing 3D printing car

The company Massivit 3D Printing Technologies, dedicated to large-format 3D printing solutions, together with the well-known automobile designer Takumi Yamamoto, presented the first real-size 3D-printed “concept car” at the International Automobile Festival in Paris.

In that same prestigious Automobile International Festival, a tribute to David Bowie was made.

Massivit 1800 Marie 3D Print

Takumi Yamamoto and 3D printing

Takumi Yamamoto, is the designer of the fabulous GT Citröen GT prototype and was former Chief Designer of PSA Peugeot Advanced Design Studio. It was the Parisian company Marie 3D that carried out this project inspired by David Bowie.

The idea took three years to develop and was still in its design phase when the singer passed away in 2016 at the age of 69.

This “concept car” exposes new capabilities for prototyping through 3D printing.

Takumi Yamamoto working on the design of this prototype

Computer graphics artist Alexandre Larnac transformed the 3D on-screen model of the concept car so that its realistic animations gave a real impression of driving on the road.

3D printing process of the “concept car”

To know the history of this “concept car” we leave you the official video of the db project

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