To the rich banana car and laugh!

The creation of the banana car was carried out by Steve Braithwaite, 52 years old and a resident of Kalamazoo, Michigan, United States.

An idea that emerged in 2008, but that was not rolling on the road until four years later. Said idea, according to its creator, arose while waiting in line to pay at a gas station. It seems that he saw a banana on a shelf and began to imagine that banana with wheels and even occupants.

The base of this banana car is a Ford f-150 from the year 93 and was manufactured with the help of the Mutant Brothers manufacturing studio. Here where you see it, this striking banana car had a cost of approximately 23,000 euros. The time it took to modify it was more than two and a half years.

With this car Steve travels the United States, giving rides to children and appearing in fairs or parades, to the amusement of American neighbors.

Banana car stories

This bizarre vehicle was once pulled over by a state trooper named Strouse while on a road trip to Texas.

The reason was not speeding, but that the police wanted to make sure that this banana car was legally circulating on their roads. This fact was a tagline suggested by a local newspaper called MLive. Braithwaite later told the newspaper that his license was returned to him with a $20 bill around it.

The reason the cop gave him back his license along with $20, was because on the back of the banana car, it said he was collecting money. Since it seemed like something fun and noble, he decided to contribute his grain of sand to the cause.

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These modified cars are very popular among car enthusiasts. Every year, millions of people travel to the thousands of global car shows or exhibitions to see the newest and most innovative cars. Foods are innovative subjects for the imagination of many of its creators.

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