United Nude Lo-Res – a car work of Art

When we talk about prototypes, we generally expect to see concept vehicles that resemble what we might see on the road in the future. Instead, the United Nude Lo-Res looks like it’s been teleported from another planet.

United Nude Lo-Res Design

For the final result of this vehicle, the designers started with the resolution of the Lamborghini Countach, ending with this incredible work of art of polygonal shapes. The design was achieved using a method that takes an object by lowering its 3D resolution several times.

The Lo Res Project uses custom software that creates a computer model by scanning a series of 3D points of the original object. Subsequently, the software allows the density of these points to be varied to create different levels of abstraction, choosing the most attractive one. Finally it develops into a real life object.

United Nude, founded by Dutch architect Rem D Koolhaas and British shoemaker Galahad Clark, produced the program in collaboration with US software developer INUS Technology.

UFO car technical data

Simplifying a Lamborghini Countach down to its basic elements meant editing the V12. It has a small electric motor that can reach 48 km/hour, of course nothing to do with the Lomborghini Countach.

If you’re wondering about its visibility, it’s pretty good even though it doesn’t look like it. All the panels are made of polycarbonate and from the inside they look transparent. The body opens up like a shell, and that’s where we see two seats one behind the other.

His driving is quite challenging due to how low the driver is and the minimal safety measures he has, with no seat belts or rear view mirrors.

Despite all this, it is one of the most exclusive motorized vehicles that exist.

Photographs: Pinterest

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