A curious mix: Yacht-car-Shark

Imagine merging a Chevy truck with a boat into a gigantic land shark and allowing it to legally drive. This Yacht-Car-Shark is what Kurt, from Woodstock, Georgia, made at his home.

We leave you the video with the characteristics of this peculiar Yacht-Car-Shark:

Building the Yacht-Car-Shark

As he explains in the video, an old 24-foot boat arrived at Kurt’s shop with a fuel leak. Almost at the same time, a malfunctioning 1990 Chevy 3500 pickup also arrived. It also had a hydraulic discharge box that also ended up in the workshop. So if we put that combination together, we get this Yacht-Car-Shark, where the frame of the boat is attached to the hydraulic dump box of the truck.

The boat is mounted on the discharge bed, allowing the entire shell to be lifted for entry and exit. It doesn’t have doors, but Kurt managed to build a custom utility. Visibility is not very good, and for this reason it installed four exterior cameras connected to a single screen on the dashboard, thus offering vision from all angles.

At 7 meters long, riding in the back can be quite a challenge. It has boat seats and a front bar that lowers when the passenger is seated. Let’s say something similar to the carriages of a roller coaster. Of course, they must have an adrenaline rush who is willing to accompany him on his journeys.

The paint used to resemble the great white shark leaves no one indifferent. Its nose juts out beyond the truck’s grille, to give it even more of an impressive look.

Kurt himself says that he uses this Yacht-Car-Shark on a daily basis. We don’t really know if it’s practical or not, but what we are sure of is that any pedestrian will turn their heads as they pass.

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