Nautilus, the extraordinary car

Nautilus, is the nickname given to this vehicle used by Sean Connery during the movie “The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen”. Its aesthetics is totally unusual, as it has six wheels, being convertible and the front with the trims from which eight headlights hang. Without a doubt, an extraordinary vehicle.

Frame of the film “The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen”

We leave you with a YouTube video where you can see this spectacular vehicle in motion. You will be able to admire this car up close.

Nautilus curiosities

This vehicle was designed by Carol Spier from scratch. It used the chassis and engine of a Land Rover Fire Defender that would later be added to a V8 Rover engine. Two cars were made for the film, being only one fully functional example. It must be said, driving it was not an easy task.

With a length of 6.7 meters and its wheels give it an impressive appearance. An additional steel frame was also added to the front end to accommodate the engine under the extremely long hood. The fiberglass body managed to lighten the weight of this bulky car.

Inside, the ornaments stand out following the same style of the vehicle.

For sale and auction

The Nautilus had belonged to the owner and founder of the production company Prop Stores UK, Stephen Lane. In 2015, however, he decided to put it up for auction, the place chosen being Blemheim Palace, in Woodstock, Oxford. It was calculated that the price that could be paid for it would be around 35,000 euros.

Would you like to take a ride in this sensational vehicle?

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