Reconvent a fender on a kart

Designer Brent Walter (Walter Werks) designed and built minibikes called “Volkspods” out of fenders from an old Volkswagen Beetle. This designer is used to creating different objects that he shows on his Instagram account.

The first unit he built was the green one that we will see next. It was provided with a handlebar, a saddle and as bodywork one of the front and rear fenders of the chosen VW Beetle. Equipped with a 79cc four-stroke OHV engine.

The second unit he built was the blue one, and on that occasion he integrated a better chassis, slightly larger tires and a small 6.5 CV combustion engine with 212 cc.

Both colors used are the iconic hues of the original Beetle; birch green and pastel blue.

This funny Volkspod has had such an impact that we even find instructions for its construction on the internet, as is the case with

And as you will see in the video that we show below, the possibilities and varieties to achieve are enormous. It seems incredible what a classic fender can become.

More fender and these still don’t exist

Based on the Voskspod, the firm Aldekas Studios creates a digital animation of what a kart with its design would look like. The truth is that it is most touching.

In this case, it has been called Bugkart Wasobwski and we will explain the reason for this name.

Bugkart, comes from the fact that the VW Beetle was called Bug and kart because as we see it is a kart. Now you may be wondering where the name Wasowski comes from. If you look at this adorable kart, its headlight looks like the eye of Mike Wasowski, who is one of the main characters in the movie “Monsters, Inc.” from Pixar.

The truth is that it is most appetizing to try one of these endearing karts. Does the same thing happen to you?

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