With luxury to death!

The eccentricity has no limits. That is why until the last breath and even to be buried, there are those who request a high-end car. How could it be otherwise, when there is demand, there is supply. Different car brands have their own hearses for this purpose. As you will see, for some luxury lasts until death!

Death luxury cars

We start the list with this Maserati Quattroporte. Who would have thought that a Maserati would reduce its top speed to lead a funeral procession.

Maserati Quattroporte

Another example is this Maserati Ghibli in beautiful ivory white. A luxury of death.

Maserati Ghibli

You can also opt for this Jaguar E-Type, which was made for the 1971 movie “Harold & Maude” but is now used for royal burials.

Jaguar E-Type

In our opinion, the most impressive is this Ferrari converted into a hearse. Straight to the beyond!


Another example of eccentricity is transforming a bright red Chevrolet Camaro into a hearse.

Chevrolet Camaro

And what do you think if what you see circulating is a Tesla Model S that transports neither more nor less than a coffin?

Tesla Model S

We cannot forget the Cadillac that transported the body of John Fitzgerald Kennedy after his assassination in 1963


And with color until the last day of your death, a British company uses its very particular funeral Mercedes Benz.

Mercedes Benz

To finish the list, let’s see this Porsche Panamera so that the last ride after the death of the loved one is at all levels.

Photographs: Pinterest

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