Homemade futuristic car

The human being has an immense capacity both to create and to destroy. In this case, we are going to tell you the story of a 27-year-old Chinese man named Chen Yinxi. This very young man is passionate about cars and surprisingly he has built a spectacular futuristic car in his garage.

We are going to leave you a video of the impressive car that he has been able to build.

The story of Chen Yinxi’s futuristic car

Chen Yinxi, is a college student whose goal is to focus exclusively on car design. His father runs a fiber-reinforced plastics company, and that’s where the materials used in this futuristic car come from. As he says, he himself was the one who made the molding for the bodywork.

It took about a year to build and cost approximately $4,700. Obviously this futuristic-looking vehicle is not a supercar that reaches breakneck speeds. The maximum speed is 30 km/hour. Yinxi himself comments, that it has many imperfections such as the spaces between wheels that, as he points out, “are as wide as canyons”, but of course the appearance is sensational.

The most impressive thing about this creation is that the construction has been carried out at home. This futuristic car was presented at the Hainan Motor Show in 2015

His idea is that some investor of the opportunity to put a more powerful engine in his vehicle. Of course, its purpose is to capture the attention of automotive design companies. In our opinion, it is a challenge achieved! And you, what do you think?

Source: Jalopnik

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